I can't believe I'm going to say this, but, I'm actually excited to write this blog. This is one of my most favorite things to do when I mail cards, letters and packages.
Don't you just love to receive cards and letters in the mail. It is SO EXCITING to receive a card that someone felt was just right for you………….. Besides, the USPS needs our business.
Every month I mail a card to family members (nieces and nephews, young cousins) Some months it's a holiday, birthday or anniversary card and other months just a fun card . They love getting mail, especially the 5 & 6 & 9 year olds.
Anyway, I needed to make a card for my 2 yr old niece who's birthday is coming up soon and her mother told me that the “Mouse” was her favorite carton. So, of course, I had to make a card of her favorite cartoon character. That was easy part, but I still had to address her envelope. So I turned the O in her name into a mouse.
It came out so cute. Every little girl (or boy) will love getting that envelope in the mail. In fact, when it's the parents birthday, and a decorated envelope arrives, the 6 year old is sure it's for her because "Aunt Dee" makes her envelopes special. She was so disappointed, because her dad and sister got the cards, not her. She'll just have to wait for her “Back to School” card .
Now, how did I learn to decorate envelopes? Well, I'll tell you. A while back I took this fun class at my LSS Stampadoodle, taught by my favorite calligrapher, instructor and friend, Christy Schroeder, of Pilgrims Quill Studio. She taught us how to decorate envelopes for any occasion and the envelope will go through the mail without being returned.
Christy's class is full of fun lettering techniques, ideas, colors, designs and her encouragement to use your imagination in making your envelopes just as much fun as the cards and letters that go in them. You'll be amazed at how easy this is and how much fun you will have. It’s addicting.
In fact, it's so much fun, it is easy to get carried away. After taking the class I made Halloween cards with decorated envelopes for everybody in the family as well as my classmates in my Calligraphy Class I was taking. I think every relation in the US & Canada got a Christmas Card with the fancy envelope that year. My postage bill was huge. But boy, did I have fun. What's more, once you create a master design you can reuse that design as many times as you want or you can freehand the envelopes as needed.
Here are some fun envelopes that I created for upcoming birthdays, holidays and more.
Stampadoodle is offering this class as well as others this fall. So take a moment and check out their fall class schedule. They have some fabulously fun classes scheduled as well as lunchtime demos, along with the best instructors.
You know you want to try it, so go for it! It'll be fun!
Happy Crafting till next time!
Aunt Dee
Crafty Aunt Dee—you and your work ALWAYS make me smile!!! These are AWESOME!!! Thanks for mentioning classes, but the end result is all you and your creative imagination—I love it! :) Bravo, my friend!