Saturday, June 22, 2013

Challenging Myself

     For the past few months, I’ve tried really hard to get back into the crafting spirit. I’ve tried everything I could think of and nothing has been working. So I signed up for a  calligraphy workshop to practice Italics, hoping that would help. It did - a little bit, but still not enough to work on layouts or cards.  So then I cleaned my craft room, or rather put everything back where it belongs in the hopes of being able to craft with a clean desk.   That got me to finish some thank you cards. But working on layouts still wasn’t happening.

    So, I decided it was time to challenge myself by completing the first challenge I found  on a blog.  The first blog I looked at was Scrapbook and Cards Today which is my favorite magazine.  They had just posted their May Color Suite Challenge  with colors of white, tan, mint green, orange and  a mauvy pink which are not in my usual comfort zone so, grabbing inspiration from a scrapbook sketch on Pinterest by Ronda Palazzari from My Mind’s Eye , I took the challenge and created this fun picture of my great-niece taken just before surgery to have tubes put in her ear.
    Pulling some paper scraps from a grab box I picked up at Quick Quotes last fall,  I was able to create this layout of small squares of pale blue, pink, light tan, and a print with all the colors including a soft orange cut to different sizes and placed randomly on the page. I matted the picture  with the navy blue I used as a base for the layout and journaled along the edges in white.  This was a fun layout to do and she is so cute.

     Now that this layout is done, I’m starting to find my mojo again and get back into crafting.  I can’t wait to try something else to share with you next time.  
    Oh my goodness - guess now I’ll have to write a 3rd blog, as I just committed myself to sharing my next layout.  Maybe I’m finally getting comfortable with writing........................ nope, not there yet. It’s still terrifying.

    Until we craft again............

                                                                                                    Aunt Dee
Products Used: Quick Quotes Powderpuff Chalk Inks; Quick Quotes papers; Alpha Stickers by Recollections;  Xyron Mega Runner

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